Class News



Spring 2 - Nursery ‘Blown Out of this World’

This half term the Nursery children have enjoyed learning about the world around us. I think it’s safe to say that it has been their favourite Topic so far! We looked at space, learning about the planets and how the environment in space is different to that on Earth. We took on the role of an Astronaut in the Role Play area and discussed what we would pack for a mission into Space. We also conducted Science experiments which included creating fuel for a Rocket using Coke and Mento’s. We even got to create and watch our very own Rocket launch.

“We made fuel by putting mints in the Coke and it went fast out of the bottle.”  Owen

“Mrs Herbert put some tissue in the bottle and it flew to the moon, it went really high.” Rosie

“It blew out in the sky and then it landed on the floor.” Alessio




Summer 1 - Wild Animals in Nursery

This half term the Nursery children have been learning about Animals and their lifecycles. We started the topic looking at Minibeasts and the lifecycle of a caterpillar. We were excited to have the opportunity to experience first-hand the transformation of a Caterpillar into a beautiful painted lady Butterfly. Our caterpillars are currently in their chrysalis and we hope to see the transformation before we break for the holidays.

We then discussed farm and jungle Animals. We learnt about mothers and their young and explored the different habitats that animals live in, exploring how they survive the wild. We enjoyed creating jungle print art and discussed the different patterns we could see.